Lawn Management By Sarah Browning - UNL Extension Educator
Lawn Management Program by Sarah Browning, UNL Extension Educator
Sarah aims to inform the communities of the Lower Platte South NRD about turf grass management practices and valuable information including proper lawn watering tips, recommended mowing heights, aeration timing and tips for fertilization success.
During spring and fall months, 1 inch of water may be enough water for
2 – 3 weeks (depending on weather conditions and soil moisture content). While temperatures in the summer months consistently reach 90 degrees or higher and you may have heavy clay soil, it may be necessary to water
1 -1.5 inches in a week-two-week period. Lawns with sandy soil may need 1.5 – 2 inches in a week-two-week period. A rule of thumb is to pay close attention of rainfall and monitor you soil’s moisture content before turning on sprinklers.
Also recommended is to avoid watering during daytime hours or when there is excessive winds. Early morning between 5 – 9 am or in the evening after sunset is the most ideal time to water.
Click the link below to see Sarah’s full presentation on how to better manage your lawn.